Wednesday, June 28, 2017

Display the current users Profile Image in SharePoint using EWS.


If your IT department has configured it, you can retrieve the thumbnail images used in Outlook from the Exchange Server for your own purposes. This can be useful for customizing the look of various sites in SharePoint, such as employee dashboards.

This post describes how to retrieve and use the image, and how to handle the condition where the users email does not resolve to an image.

Retrieve the Image using EWS

The image is retrieved by using a URL of the following format:

https://Exchange Server/ews/Exchange.asmx/s/GetUserPhoto?email=email address&size=size code

Exchange Server = server that hosts exchange, URL provided by IT

email address = email of the user you are retrieving the image for

size = HR48x48 | HR64x64 | HR96X96 | HR120X120 | HR240X240 | HR360X360 | HR432X432 | HR504X504 | HR648X648

A sample url that would resolve to the user "" with a 64 x 64 thumbnail would be:

https://Exchange Server/ews/Exchange.asmx/s/GetUserPhoto?

Interesting, but how would we use this?

Using the Image on a Page

In its simplest state, you could include this as the url for an image and have it render on any page:

<img alt="Profile Image" src="https://Exchange Server/ews/Exchange.asmx/s/GetUserPhoto?;size=HR64x64" />

This is great for displaying a specific user image on a page, but what if you want to display the current users image instead?

Displaying the Current Users Image

Download and reference JQuery

We can include the jQuery javascript libraries on our page, and use a couple of those functions to extract the image and set the value of the image on page load. You will first need to configure your SharePoint webpage to include the jQuery libraries by first downloading the libraries to your site assets folder, then referencing those libraries within your page:

<script type="text/javascript" src="/SiteAssets/jquery-1.11.3.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript" src="/SiteAssets/jquery.SPServices-2014.02.js"></script>

Create Default Image

One of the things we need to anticipate is users who's email addresses do not resolve to images. We certainly don't want the dreaded "X" to appear when an image cannot be found. So we handle this by creating a generic profile image for all users and storing it within the SharePoint site. We will configure the page to first display this image, and then, if a profile image is found, then replace it with this image.

Set up the generic image (notice ID value) and put it on your SharePoint page:

<div id="UserImage"><img class="ihss-user-image" src="/Images/user.png" alt=""/></div>

This will resolve when the page loads to your generic user image.

Retrieve the Profile Image

Create a script section on your page and enter the following code:

$(document).ready(function() { 

 function SetProfileImage()
  var thisUserEmail = $().SPServices.SPGetCurrentUser({
   fieldName: "Email",
   debug: false
var profileImagePath = '' + thisUserEmail  + '&size=HR120x120';

     var img = new Image();
     img.onload = function() {
      //alert('image source: ' + img.src);
      //alert('image height: ' + img.height);
      var divHTML = "<img class=\"ihss-user-image\" src=\"" + profileImagePath + "\" />";
      //alert('image html: ' + divHTML);
     img.src = profileImagePath;

The code functions as follows:

1. Once page has finished loading call set profile image
2. Retrieve current users email using SPServices.SPGetCurrentUser
3. Generate Exchange Server URL using email address
4. Configure onload function to update image to resolved profile path if found.

Leveraging the EWS to return user profile images is one way to display the current users Profile Image in SharePoint. The approach used here ensures that, if the user doesn't have an image, or the server is not responding, then the default profile image will be displayed instead.

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